My name is Norma Gauthier, I have lived in Red Deer, AB most of my life. and will always call home.
I have been working with Bredin Centre for Career Advancement for over 5 years. I am currently in the role of YouthWorks Program Manager. YouthWorks is a program aimed at youth between the ages of 18 – 30 seeking employment. The goal of YouthWorks is to educate, skill up and assist these young adults to find and maintain employment which includes support long after employment is found.
My educational background is in Social Work and I am a Red Deer College (Polytech) alumni. I started attending RDC in the Registered Nurse program as I was already a Licensed Practical Nurse. I then realized that I wanted to work with people and assist them in reaching their goals but not by brushing dentures and taking blood pressure. I then switched gears to Social Work and have never looked back. I enjoy working with the community and am involved with various groups as a volunteer supporting my Metis heritage whenever possible. My greatest achievement was when I was awarded the ‘Mayor’s Achievement Award’ for coordinating over 200 volunteers over a 21-day art installation/Aboriginal Awareness event called ‘Walking with our Sisters’ which brought awareness for our missing and murdered women and girls in Canada which was held here in Red Deer at the Red Deer and District Museum.